Beautiful Things – Russ Doherty

“That sounds wonderful.” 

Gordon balances his feelings for Renee against what’s going to happen when Laura confronts him. She’ll be distraught. Is this what he wants? What happened to his feelings for Laura? Perhaps he’s gone too far with Renee to pull back. Confused, he blocks those thoughts.

Gordon says, “Do you show your paintings anywhere?” 

“I’m thinking of opening a gallery.” She goes silent again. 

Gordon wonders if she’s also calculating her future.

The duck and the pinot noir are perfect and put a nice glow on the evening. After the plates are removed, Gordon says, “I love living in Cayucos with all the outdoor sports. It’s a far cry from having to cook in the Afghan heat.” He recalls the mountains of food they threw away. The day the MPs beat the local kids getting at the food in the Army dumpsters—that was the worst. Those kids haunt his dreams. He wonders if the ugly US occupation was good for anyone.

Renee says maybe they can visit an art museum sometime. 

Gordon nods and says, “Let’s visit Harmony tomorrow and see the galleries.” 

She agrees. 

As he signs his credit card receipt for dinner, he’s tapped on his shoulder. He looks up and it’s Thunder. 

Thunder takes a large, unlit cigar out of his mouth and points it at Gordon. “I’ll thank you for staying away from my girlfriend.” He has a southern drawl, stinks of vodka, and is much bigger outside his SUV. Gordon worries being with Renee will be trouble. Maybe Laura is enough.

“You can’t keep doing this,” says Renee.

“She don’t always tell the truth,” Thunder says. He’s swaying.

“You’re drunk; please leave us alone,” Renee says.

When they stand to leave, Gordon has to look up to see into Thunder’s eyes. Then he wishes he hadn’t. Thunder’s bushy eyebrows furl and crawl all over his forehead. Gordon wonders how Thunder found them at Lunada when he hadn’t followed them from Renee’s place. 

Thunder dances his fingers across Gordon’s chest. 

Gordon says to Renee, “You ever think of calling the police?”

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