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Other Side of Somewhere – Mitchell Davidson

At home, people were saying Ginny was going back to war. Some sort of reshuffling of troops. That seemed unfair to me. She’d only been back for three months, but I guess that’s the price you pay for getting that big scholarship. Nothing’s really free.

Then people started talking about me. They treated me nice, now that I was married, and they asked my opinions about different things, like if I thought Chelsea Wilder’s husband was cheating on her. He definitely was. I saw him buying a whole heap of roses at the florist, and you only do that if it’s valentine’s day, or you’ve really screwed the pooch.

Then they would ask how I was feeling. I seemed to be sick a lot lately. I seemed to be a little up and down lately. Was I drinking enough orange juice? I wasn’t, I couldn’t stand the taste once I got to the second trimester.

Ginny was already at war when I had the baby. He was fat and ugly, and I hated him. And I hated myself for hating him. I yelled at Marcus a lot, which was unfair, and I knew it.

I pretended like I liked the baby in public though, because I was supposed to. My right arm was tired from holding him all the time. The only person I could talk to was Ginny. She hadn’t had a baby, but she was there for me, and she didn’t act like I was crazy, even though I felt crazy, and Marcus even said I was crazy once, and I think he might have been right. I knew Ginny had her own issues, being at war and all, but she listened to mine, and I still loved her, and I knew she still loved me.

After a couple of months it started to get better, and I decided that maybe I didn’t hate him after all. His name was Hunter. His dad liked the name. I thought it was a dumb name, but I didn’t care much at first. I like it now, a lot.

Ginny told me she was going on a mission, which sounded very official. I sat at home with Hunter and felt jealous. She said we wouldn’t be able to call for awhile, so I told her I would send letters, and she said she would write letters too and send them when she got back. She couldn’t tell me much of what the mission was, she just said it was routine stuff, and she’d be back soon.

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