Straight Face – PGC Young

Then they spotted me. She pointed at my face behind the bus window, and they both grinned and waved.

When I met her smiling eyes, it was with an empty gaze and my best straight face. Perhaps it was because my tongue was twitching against my teeth, because I was resisting the urge to stick it out at her, to give her the finger, to scream and call her a bitch. Or maybe it was another way of saying, yes, I like women, but no, I never liked you.

But I don’t really think so. Honestly, I think I’d just run out of parts to play.

PGC Young is a 22-year-old writer from Croydon, UK. Her fiction has recently been published in Mslexia. She’s also written articles for MPs on equalities, for The Radio Times, and has edited podcast scripts at the BBC. Right now, she’s writing a feminist speculative fiction novel and a crime novel set in Victorian London whilst studying with both Faber Academy and Curtis Brown Creative. On Twitter, she’s at @pennygraceyoung.

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