The Gold Nugget – Stephen Myer

“Too much time. We’re headed west at dawn.” “Followin’ the sun, are ya?”

Little Brother stood up, aiming to finish his meal in peace at a distant table. I grabbed his wrist and guided him back down. He yanked his arm free and scowled, then shoved a large piece of meat into his mouth, which appeared for the moment to assuage his irascibility.

“Now then, you boys oughta know what you’re up agins,” said Augur.

“How’s that?” I replied.

He swallowed his whiskey in one gulp and slammed the glass on the table.

“The five of us here is sittin’ at the edge of the world, we are! Makes no sense lookin’ fer trouble that lays beyond, with nary a hope of reachin’ the glitterin’ sea.”

“You’ve piqued my curiosity with that queer prelude,” I said.

“There’s little land to the west afore ya come up agins the Grrrreat Desert,” he went on. “Ever been to the desert?”

“No. But I’ve an idea.” 

“Maybe so. But not the one of which I speak.”

Augur spread his arms wide to measure the distance of his words. “Them badlands seems infinite. ‘Venchully turns a man loco—but I cain’t say fer sure. None who traversed them parts ever returned to confirm.”

“Then how do you know ’tis true, and if there is a sea beyond?” I said.

“Often heard tell as a boy. If a thing’s stated agin’ and agin’ must be somethin’ to it.”

“That doesn’t make any sense.”

“Hardly anythin’ does these days. Anyway, that desert is where Death lives. You and yer restless friend are too young to attempt the dangerous crossin’.”

“He’s not my friend so much as we’re twins.”

“Y’all look nothin’ alike,” said Augur, squinting one eye in disbelief. “Why, he’s twice yer size.”

“Call him Little Brother,” I said. “He prefers it to his Christian name.”

“He ain’t all that talkative. Cain’t he speak for hisself?” “Sure, but I wouldn’t risk asking him.” 

I reached into my pocket for the nugget to square the cost of the vittles and drinks. Brother grimaced and grabbed my arm, then produced a handful of coins and handed them to the waiter.

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  1. Michael says:

    Well written fable. Thoughtful ideas about man search for things of lesser value that hide more important issues. Do we suffer little deaths while searching for the unattainable? What should we be doing instead? What is living all about? Thoroughly enjoyable and thoughtful read.

  2. Paula keane says:

    Beautifully written

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