Death of the Classical Handshake – Mark Budman

In the middle of the known universe, Hamlet’s lecturer’s name is Medusa. Funny, but she appears without her head on her bio’s pic. She’s such a snake. Gave Hamlet an F because he failed to still the chi from a dead dandelion she pointed to via Zoom. Every other student apparently did. How else would the dandelion be dead?

Hamlet comes to the window of his castle. Thumbelina sits on the window sill. She’s eating a piece of a Danish. “Hvordan går det?” He asks her in their native language. She’s his former compatriot after all.

In 12A, Othello and Desdemona have their usual loud marital bliss scene. Unless it’s a marital dispute. Haroun Al-Rashid and Scheherazade from 51A go out into the night. It looks like they’ve been doing it at least a thousand times. During the day, they grind their lower dantians against each other loudly. Unlike most people, their dantians are only one inch below their navels.

Thumbelina and Hamlet do some chi-gathering exercise together while listening to Fagin berating someone called Oliver, “shut up and drink his gin.”

“I feel old and spent,” Hamlet says in English. “In my younger days, I’d take this Fagin to a duel.”

“Don’t worry,” Thumbelina says also in English. “It’ll be a while before they say, ‘Let four captains / Bear Hamlet, like a soldier, to the stage’.” Then she cries on his shoulder. They watch the nightfall together. It’s Hamlet’s 153,000th nightfall, but only the 67,000th for Thumbelina.

She’s so young, tiny and defenseless, Hamlet thinks. She reminds him of Ophelia. He’ll steal some chi for her when he graduates his course, his curse, damn it for the next 400 years. All he needs for happiness in life is some chi and, maybe, a bit of luck.

And he mustn’t forget about the Wake tonight.

Smack in the middle of the known universe, Peter Pan puts on his gloves, gets inside the cruiser and takes off for a joyride. He’s thankful to the sock factory and Amazon. They help to fool all the security cameras. Of course, Amazon also sells them. A win-win situation. Peter likes winners.

The car’s wheel is the plane’s yoke now. Peter pulls it back, and the cruiser rises to the yet virus-fee and cop-free sky.

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